Thank you all for accessing and reading through my website.
As a responsible breeder of Australian Labradoodles I am finding myself in a quandary. My waiting lists are usually 6-12months long, but due to Covid my litter reservation lists have lengthened.
I never want to let down or disappoint homes, but realistically breeding dogs is part Science, part Mother Nature, part good luck. So sometimes litters will be smaller than expected, or a dog may fail health tests, or a girl fails to fall pregnant.
I cannot with the best of intentions continue taking deposits for puppies when I cannot guarantee or plan for the mating. It just does not sit comfortably with me.
Therefore once the current advertised litters on my Planned Litters page are fully reserved, I will not be taking any further deposits until mid-2021. This is so when I reopen my lists I can do so with certainty and with more specifics on timings and planning.
I am a responsible breeder, and so would request that you please wait for my dogs and I to be ready. Pop a note in your calendar to check back, and do follow my FB page; Northbound Australian Labradoodles UK, for regular photos and updates.
Thank you.
