Guardian Homes References
I believe the best socialised puppies, who make the best family dogs come from dedicated breeders like myself whose puppies are born in the home and are much loved members of the family. My puppies are born, brought up in the home, loved and socialised from the minute they are born.
My reasons for seeking Guardian Homes in the future is due to the logistical problem in the above scenario – most home breeders can only accommodate a limited number of adult dogs. So, for a small home breeder like myself once I have reached this limit there are only three options to consider as keeping dogs outside in kennels is just not an option I would ever consider and Australian Labradoodles as a breed do not cope well in kennel environments.

When I first considered getting a dog I did lots of research. I stumbled across Northbound Labradoodles in the course of this research and was impressed by Johanne’s ethics and obvious care for her dogs. I arranged an interview, I remember being nervous, but knew as soon as I started talking to Johanne that we were on the same page!!! My name went down for a suitable pup and I settled in for a wait of up to 2 years.
I remember being on holiday when I first saw Cassie, who Johanne was looking for a guardian home for, and something just clicked. I didn’t really know what a guardian was, but I reached out and asked if I could be considered and what was involved.
Johanne explained what I would be expected to do and honestly, it didn’t really feel like anything I wouldn’t do for my own dog. Cassie came to me and she was introduced to my 7 year old labradoodle, Lily. Cassie was just a little puppy wanting to play with Lily and Lily was not impressed, having lived in her own princess bubble for too many years. Johanne understood and took Cassie back to “grow her on a bit” and then returned her to me a couple of months later. This made a huge difference.
Although Lily was still not too impressed she accepted Cassie much more and the two of them have found a way to be friends and rub along really well together.
Cassie and I went to training classes where she got her kc silver. Being a guardian I discovered is no different to how I feel about Lily. Cassie is kind and gentle and had my heart from the word go. I was nervous the first time she went into season, I thought all the dogs in our town would be braying at the door. But actually everything was fine, I kept her on lead and we improved her lead walking. She was a little bit more clingy but otherwise she was no different.
The first time she had a date was an eye opener for me. I think I was probably imagining Lady and the Tramp and a bowl of spaghetti - instead we got Johanne being fully hands on along with what looked like a turkey baster. Again Johanne was great, she kept me informed of what was going on and made sure Cassie was relaxed and well cared for.
Cassies pregnancy was straight forward, but any slight concerns I had were answered straight away and Johanne gives lots of information of what you should and shouldn’t do.
When the time came to take Cassie to Johanne to settle her in before giving birth I knew I was going to miss her loads, and I did. I probably drove Johanne mad constantly asking how she was, but Johanne always replied and reassured me she was fine. And the photos she sent proved that was the case!
Cassie had her litter and I loved watching her being a brilliant mum on the videocam which Johanne shared. I had such an odd feeling of pride in how good a mum she is, like I had anything to do with that!! I am now in a WhatsApp group with all of Cassies litter homes so get to watch them all grow into beautiful dogs and to share stories of Cassie so that they might see where some of their pups behaviours come from.
So was asking to be a guardian a good idea? On balance definitely yes. I’ve learnt so much that I’ve been able to put into practice not just for Cassie, but also Lily, and her life is better for it. Am I nervous being entrusted with Cassie - without doubt I am, but that’s because I want her to be safe and happy and if I can deliver that then I must be fulfilling my guardian duty. I want that for Lily too, those are really just my values. And to prove how much I love being a guardian we now have Tika in our lives. Tika is just pure joy, different to Lily and Cassie but fits in beautifully. I can’t wait to see her grow and become a mum, she is just happiness on four legs!
I am so grateful that i discovered Northbound and took the plunge to become a guardian. It has taught me so much and continues to do so every single day.

Guardian Nancy
We have been a guardian home for Nancy for almost 2 years now and it has been the most amazing experience.
We brought Nancy home in July 2018 and the support, guidance and knowledge Johanne has provided us with is second to none. Without her knowledge and expertise we would have struggled with all aspects of being a puppy owner. She is always available to speak with for a friendly natter or to ask questions about diet, training and any struggles we have faced and this has been an amazing help.
Johanne is not just a breeder, she goes above and beyond for her dogs. Always keeping us up to date with new training programmes, new food recommendations and everything she does is always to benefit her dogs and their owners.
I could not recommend Johanne highly enough and we are so grateful to be able to be a guardian home for Nancy.
There’s good breeders and then there’s Johanne at Northbound Australian labradoodles! She goes above and beyond to be a responsible ethical breeder and as a result breeders the most wonderful dogs which would be an asset to any home lucky enough to give one their forever home.
Clearly Johanne’s priority is her dogs and making sure they go to suitable homes. Dogs can be very different and therefore, not every dog is suitable for every home. Johanne is an expert at placing the right pup with the right home, weather you are very active, have young children or just want an easy to have around companion. As she is a very busy lady she may come across as blunt or stern when asking questions about you and your life (and she wont mind me saying this) but this is for your and the wonderful dogs’ benefit. Be open and honest and you’ll get the right dog for you.
I have two girls approx 9 months apart in age, not only are the right for me they are right for each other and bring out the best in each other and me, they have both brought so much joy to mine and my families lives. They are beautiful, clever and intelligent. They need consistent training and mental and physical exercise.
If you are lucky enough that Johanne decides she has a puppy suitable for your home she’ll make sure you have all the support you need to make taking your puppy home a success. She provides an electronic puppy guide and if you read this thoroughly you’ll be left with very few questions but if you do have any or need some clarity she’ll be there to answer them. She offers a facebook owners group were she and other northbound owners are there for support (and to show cute dog pics) and organises group walks in different areas, which are always fun. Johanne offers support throughout your dogs life not just while buying your puppy and she does this because she wants what is best for the dogs she lovingly brings into this world.
I am in other social media groups related to ALDs and often see a question asked and I think to myself, if Johanne was your breeder you’d know that. Johanne is also in some of these groups and i see her answer peoples questions because again for her its about the dogs being happy and healthy not about who bought a puppy from her. So yes, if Carlsberg did ALD breeders it would most definitely be Johanne at Northbound.

I've known Johanne for many years and didn't hesitate to ask to join her waiting list for a doodle. Little did I know that Johanne was seeking a guardian home for Silas, something we'd never considered doing, and within a fortnight he was living with us. He's an absolute dream!
Johanne is really supportive and we know she will offer advice and support whenever we need it.
Being a guardian needs thinking through, there is a bigger sense of responsibility keeping an expensive breeding dog safe and being on the lookout for dogs on heat. And you must be prepared to fit in with the health and feeding requirements (which we didn't find onerous but some might, raw feeding is not for everyone!). The network of guardians is also great for support too. Johanne's a straight talker, you know where you are, and I like that!
Johanne's commitment to her dogs, her pups, guardians and their owners is second to none.

I have known Johanne for over 8 years when I started the search for a labradoodle puppy as a companion for my first dog. Ruby was a puppy from Johanne’s first litter but even at that point, Johanne was knowledgeable and took every care around breeding and matching prospective owners and puppies.
Ruby is now 9 and such a good dog. 3 years ago when my first dog sadly died, I became a guardian home for Molly. Having known Johanne and her dogs and the way she operates and pays attention to detail to everything she does, I did not hesitate to become a guardian when Molly became available.
If you are looking for a labradoodle, I highly recommend Johanne.

We have been guardians to little Dixie for a few months now. A different breeder had mentioned to us about guardianship before, but it didn't feel quite right.
On meeting Johanne, we were reassured as to how it would work for us as a family and the lengths she goes to to ensure the right homes and families for her Northbound dogs.
We still had one doubt though, that the pup wouldn't feel like ours.
We shouldn't have worried, little Dixie absolutely feels as much part of the family as our other dogs have, plus Johanne is always on the end of the phone to answer any questions and advice should we need her. There's also a couple of really helpful Facebook and WhatsApp groups for support too.
We are really lucky that Johanne chose us for the gorgeous Dixie, and we look forward to continuing our Guardian journey over the next few years.
If you are seriously interested in taking an outstanding quality Australian Labradoodle into your home, at no purchase cost, as part of the future Northbound breeding programme and would like to know more, please do email me with some information about yourself and we can meet and explore our options further.
I am SEEKING GUARDIAN HOMES in the North area.