At Northbound, I make sure every home application is aware of my neutering policy, and this is inline with the majority of good and established ALD breeders across the UK.
All Northbound pups are sold on a 12month spay/neuter contract. This means that all dogs regardless of sex are required to be spayed/neutered before 12months old.
This information is detailed in many areas;
1) initially on my website on various pages,
2) a tick box acknowledgement on my application form that requires your understanding and acceptance.
3) all areas of puppy raising, training and the spay/neuter policy are covered on my initial Teams call.
4) detailed again on my payment information document which is emailed to all interested parties,
5) finally the puppy contract also clearly states my terms.
That is 5 separate areas that repeat the same contractual terms BEFORE you take a puppy home.
If you do not want to spay/neuter a dog before 12months old then please find another breeder.
For me to receive hostile emails after the event is rude, pointless and unnecessary.
Do not place yourself in the position of being taken to the small claims court for breach of contract. I cannot be any clearer about my terms if I tried.